Shariah: Freedoms and Restraints in Islam (The Quran Book 6)

Demagogues and Islamophobes routinely demonize the word Shariah as incompatible with the United States Constitution. The purpose of volume six is to present all the verses of the Quran regarding Islamic laws or Shariah in the proper context and let the readers decide if Shariah is compatible with the US Constitution. Another ludicrous charge by Islamophobes is that the small minority of Muslims (less than one percent) of the US population wants to impose Shariah law upon 99 percent of Americans. It will come as a shock to many readers that the true Shariah also guarantees complete freedom of religion. Anyone, whether Muslim or not, who is willing to have his preconceived notions regarding Islam shattered should read this book. This book is not for those with weak faith or closed minds.
The Quran, Description of Afterlife

The seven-volume Quran series is based on the brilliant work The Message of the Quran by Muhammad Asad. I have faithfully kept the translation in all seven volumes in the original form as it appears in The Message of the Quran. For the sake of brevity, I have condensed some of the explanations and deleted duplications. Without the original work by Muhammad Asad, this Quran series would have been impossible to conceive.
The series is not meant as a substitute for the Quran but is intended as a study and reference aid to the Quran in its original form. I recommend that all serious students of the Quran read Muhammad Asad’s masterpiece, The Message of the Quran.
Introduction to Islam

With this book, a Muslim will explain Islam to non-Muslims. The ideas expressed are not my interpretation of Islam but are taken directly from the Quran, Islam’s holy book, or the Prophet’s Traditions, Muhammad’s clarifications. In this book, I will present direct quotes from the Quran about the subjects under discussion. I am not an academic outsider analyzing another culture’s religion. I was born into a Muslim family, and I have devoted most of my life to studying and understanding the Quran
The New Testament Prophets in the Quran

Jesus, or Isa in Arabic, is mentioned in the Quran more than one hundred times. The Quran describes Jesus in the most exalted terms as righteous and pure. Jesus holds the distinction among all other prophets in his supernatural birth and is referred as Messiah more than ten times. However, the Quran differs regarding the nature of Jesus. The most important commonality between Islam and Christianity is the teachings of Jesus. Most of the teachings of Jesus as documented in the first three Synoptic Gospels are consistent with Islamic teachings. The Quran impresses upon all who believe in God-Muslims and non-Muslims alike-that the differences in their religious practices should make them vie with one another in doing good works rather than lose themselves in mutual hostility.
Islamic eBooks Free Download
The Islamic Foundation offers an extensive collection of Islamic literature. Farooq Mirza has worked diligently to bring forth a range of books on key Islamic subjects. Our website features a selection of books for purchase, alongside a variety of complimentary Islamic texts. Readers have the convenience of accessing these works directly online or downloading them for offline reading. We invite you to explore our free Islamic eBooks and share your thoughts with us!
Islamic eBooks Download
The Quranic Foundation provides readers with the opportunity to access a selection of Islamic books at absolutely no cost! You can enjoy reading these books online through our website or opt to download them for more convenience. Currently, we offer three engaging titles for free: an exploration of Shariah in Islam, an insightful description of the Afterlife, and a fascinating study of the New Testament Prophets as depicted in the Quran. Your feedback on these books is highly valued and we encourage you to share your reviews with us!